Heaven and hell at the same time
(Installation "Wasp Waist", Museum St. Ingbert, Art Scene Saar, "Visions 2000")
Dr. Berthold Schmitt | M.A. Art Historian | Art Curator | Owner of the art magazine "KulturBetrieb"- Leibzig | Germany
Ideals of beauty can be heaven and hell at the same time. The idea of surrendering to the dream of a perfectly formed body radiating vitality and happiness is tempting. Shattering, however, is the bitter realisation and disappointment when one's own body does not live up to these expectations and wishes. In her installation Wasp Waist, Judith Sturm works with the pre-formed images that we carry around in our heads - fed by the guidelines of the beauty and lifestyle industry. A tight pink bodice and a pair of shoes far below it mentally complete the willowy, long-legged model's body. Signal recognised, projection realised - everything is fine. Is everything really all right? The bodice and shoes are empty shells, interchangeable set pieces of constantly changing ideals of a gigantic economic sector, which the beauty-conscious or beauty-blinded person restlessly hurries after and yet never reaches the goal.

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