

8th Edition Biennale Chianciano 2024

Chianciano, Tuscany | Italy

8th Edition Biennale Chianciano 2024 with 190 artists from 50 nations
Exhibition duration: 03.08.2024 - 18.08.2024

My second participation in a biennale this year at this great, historic location in Tuscany! Thanks to the organizers! A place with charm and lively people. The opening was like a folk festival and the whole town was involved in the events.
Here I am competing for Germany with the work ‘Meditation’, which represents my main work very well.
Thanks also to all the congratulations, supporters and fingers crossed for a Biennale prize!
That really touched me a lot!
All 190 participants are still waiting to see whether they will be awarded one of the coveted prizes on 18.8.24. - Even without an art prize, the Biennale is already a complete success and a gain as an artist to be seen by a high-calibre international jury and art critics and it is an unforgettable milestone in my artistic career.


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